Bis Karen Meyers 2007 ihre eigene Handtaschenkollektion entworfen hat, arbeitete die gelernte Schneiderin für eine Modedesignerin in Atlanta. Ihre Inspirationen bekommt Karen durch die unterschiedlichen Stoffe die sie für ihre Handtaschen verwendet. Hauptsächlich benutzt sie Naturfasern und recycelte Stoffe wie Sweatshirtstoffe, Vintage Borten, Stickereien und Knöpfe.
Mehr über ihr Label erzählt die Designerin in unserem Interview:
Where are you from?
Originally from Western NY, via Georgia, Indiana, Barcelona and back to Georgia
What is the idea behind the name?
When I started my handbag line I tried and tried to come up with a name that I would not get tired of and that perfectly suited my product without any success. So I just used my proper name since it has been pretty good to me so far!
What is the inspiration behind your collection?
I love fabric and I always let it lead the way and inspire me. I am drawn to natural fibers and anything with lush texture.
Since when do you run your own collection?
January 2007
How or why did you start designing bags?
I am a professional seamstress and work for a designer here in Atlanta. I wanted to branch out on my own and decided to make handbags so I could avoid competing with my boss and her label. Also, I love handbags and see them as little sculptures, it indulges my sense that I am a 3-D artist.
Do you exhibit on trade fairs?
I do local artist markets and fairs.
If yes, which one?
My next fair will be the Dunwoody Arts Festival in Dunwoody Georgia and I am proud to be participating in the Chautauqua Arts Alliance Festival this summer in Western Ny.
What kind of materials do you use in your collection?
I use all natural fibers, many of which are recycled. My favorite material is recycled sweater wool. But I also love incorporating vintage lace, embroideries and buttons.
Do you have a website?
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